Getting Ready for the Best School Year EVER!

Have you started your
classroom?  If you haven’t, has the
teacher next door?  Everyone has seen
those “Pinterest
Perfect” Classrooms, you just hope it’s not the classroom across the hall. Mine
has been inspired by Pinterest,  but it definitely doesn’t stay that way for
long or it doesn’t look picture perfect!
The important thing is that your
students know that you took the time to create a special place for them to
learn.  This is going to be their home
for the year, it needs to inspire and motivate students to
learn.  Everyone remembers the teacher
who left up the same poster all year, but mine left up the same poster and it
was crooked all year!!! For someone who was OCD, I thought about that all the
time.  No wonder I didn’t learn too much
science that year! 
My Classroom Library is my most
favorite spot!!! If you have read my blog before you
know I wasn’t a reader as a
child.  (I’m not starting on that soapbox
now.)  ANYWAY~ I want all my students to
become readers! I want them to LOVE reading! So we as teachers, we need to make
reading very desirable.  Barnes and Noble
has this down pat, who doesn’t want to read when you walk into their
store?  That’s how our kids should feel
all the time in our classrooms!
You may think, “No problem, I’m
organized”  but to a hoarder like me this
is so hard.  Yes, I’m a hoarder.  I started teaching 19 years ago and I
remember needing things and not having them for my class.  I guess it’s the same way my Grandma Almie
was after going through the Great
Depression.  I’m a collector of JUNK! (No
judgment) I’m always repurposing things,
writing grants, or just telling people I’m a teacher and they
give me stuff!  (My husband is always asking, who am I going
to tell I’m a teacher next?)
But being organized is so
important, without it you won’t be able to find all those cool things you have or even forget you ever
had them.  *Or worse, spend your day
digging through things looking for the item you know you
have somewhere!!! Been there, done that!
This year I have organized all my
STEM items in baskets and containers.  I
have all sizes of cups in one basket.  I have science tools in another basket and
all of these items are on ONE shelf!!
I also have a writing center with
all the materials needed by the center too!
THE KEY FOR ME… If I hadn’t used it
in two years, throw it out!! This was hard because we change grades often at my school,
so I did have to take a tub home to my garage. 
(Hopefully my husband doesn’t notice!) 

 How do you want your classroom to
run?  Think of all the things you want
your students to do.  How do you want them to do those things? 

will you turn in papers?  (on the back counter in the
labeled drawer)
will you sharpen pencils? (Classroom job)
is your morning routine going to look like? 
start math wall as soon as they arrive and they get two sharpened
will be your dismissal routine? 
do they put their lunch boxes? (I use a big tub)
do they put their backpacks?  (we put them on the back of
their chairs, but we have to talk about what is a safe
environment and that you are responsible for your backpack)
are you going to do lunch count?  (ours is computerized and it’s a
student’s job to
      double check that everyone has completed
does each student get home?  (do you have a sheet to record
this information on)
These are all questions you need to
know the answers to BEFORE your students arrive. 

First days of school are a balance
of building relationships and letting the students know
your expectations for the
year!  You want your students to feel
excited about a new year, but you also want them to know that
LEARNING is important.  So it’s important to add some fun
activities into the first day, between talking about procedures.   

Have a great first day of school! You will be ready! Coming soon: Great Books for the Beginning of the Year! 

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