Subtraction with Decimals Task Cards


Subtraction Practice with Decimals Packet is a set of 10 different subtraction problems, the key, and a copy with a QR code Reader. This is a great activity for students to do in a math center.

40 pages – 9 MB – Presentation (Powerpoint) File

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Subtraction Practice with Decimals Packet is a set of 10 different subtraction problems, the key, and a copy with a QR code Reader. This is a great activity for students to do in a math center. Students can check their work with the answer key or the QR Code Reader. This makes practicing more fun and students get instant feedback on the progress. Students can also track their success using the student chart.

This helps them take an active role in their learning.


  • 10 task cards without answers
  • 10 answer cards ( if you don’t have an iPad with a QR reader)
  • 10 task cards with QR codes
  • Same 10 cards but with 2 on one page (to save ink)
  • Student Recording Chart (This helps students track their own progress) It’s a great chart to have students show parents at student led conferences. 