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- End of the Year Activities, End of Year, Writing
End of the Year Memory Book 4th Grade
$4.00Original price was: $4.00.$2.00Current price is: $2.00. - 4th Grade End of the Year Memory Book will give your students an opportunity to remember all the great learning that occurred during their year in your class. It's a great keepsake for parents and students to remember your grade for years to come. 30 pages - 17 MB - PDF
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- Sale!
- End of the Year Activities, End of Year, Writing
End of the Year Memory Book 3rd Grade
$4.00Original price was: $4.00.$2.00Current price is: $2.00. - 3rd Grade End of the Year Memory Book will give your students an opportunity to remember all the great learning that occurred during their year in your class. It's a great keepsake for parents and students to remember your grade for years to come. 30 pages - 17 MB - PDF
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- Sale!
- End of the Year Activities, End of Year, Writing
End of the Year Memory Book 5th Grade
$4.00Original price was: $4.00.$2.00Current price is: $2.00. - 5th Grade End of the Year Memory Book will give your students an opportunity to remember all the great learning that occurred during their year in your class. It's a great keepsake for parents and students to remember your grade for years to come. 30 pages - 18 MB - PDF
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- End of Year, Engineering, Science, STEM Holidays
STEM End of the Year Activities K-2
- $4.00
- End of the Year STEM Challenges K-2 is a packet of 6 experiments or challenges your students will love! Great activities for summer or May! Students plan, design, engineer, and collect data as they are having fun at the End of the School Year! 24 pages - 28 MB - PDF
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- Astronomy, Informational Text, Science
Earth and Moon Flip Book
- $2.00
- Earth and Moon Flipbook and Fact Sheet is a great resource to use while teaching or reviewing about the Earth and Moon. 10 pages - 12 MB - PDF
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- Coding, Computer Science - Technology, Critical Thinking, Winter
Winter Coding “Unplugged”
- $3.00
- Winter Binary Coding Do you want to introduce your students to coding? This is a easy way to get your students using and understanding binary code. 20 pages - 20 MB - PDF
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- Coding, Computer Science - Technology, Critical Thinking, Spring
Spring Coding “Unplugged”
- $3.00
- Spring Binary Coding Do you want to introduce your students to coding? This is a easy way to get your students using and understanding binary code. 20 pages - 27 MB - PDF
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- Autumn, Coding, Computer Science - Technology, Critical Thinking
Fall Coding “Unplugged”
- $3.00
- Fall Binary Coding Do you want to introduce your students to coding? This is a easy way to get your students using and understanding binary code. 20 pages - 27 MB - PDF
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- Back to School, Coding, Computer Science - Technology, Critical Thinking
Back to School Coding “Unplugged”
- $3.00
- Back to School Binary Coding Do you want to introduce your students to coding? This is a easy way to get your students using and understanding binary code. 20 pages - 24 MB - PDF
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- Connecting STEM with Great Books, Engineering, Literature, Reading
The Wild Robot STEM Challenges
- $3.50
- If you read The Wild Robot by Peter Brown, this is the resource for you! Connecting STEM with a Great Book: The Wild Robot STEM Challenges is a packet of activities that your students will love and be engaged in while reading the novel. 32 pages - 27 MB - PDF
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- Earth Day, Engineering, Science, STEM Holidays
Earth Day STEM Challenges and Activities
- $5.00
- Earth Day STEM Challenges and Activities will engage all your students and get them thinking about ways to protect the environment! 23 pages - 26 MB - PDF
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- Connecting STEM with Great Books, Engineering, Literature, Reading
Sideways Stories From Wayside School STEM Challenges
- $3.00
- Connecting STEM with a Great Book: Sideways Stories From Wayside School STEM Challenges is a packet of activities that your students will love and be engaged in while reading the novel. 25 pages - 40 MB - PDF
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