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- Informational Text, Reading, Social Studies, U.S. History
Revolutionary War
- $4.00
- Revolutionary War Unit is compiled of many research graphic organizers your students will use as they are learn and research the Revolutionary War and its famous people. 76 pages - 20 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Social Studies, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
Inventors Research Packet
$4.00Original price was: $4.00.$3.50Current price is: $3.50. - Inventors Research Packet is a collection of graphic organizers with an inventor on each page. It provides students a guide and an outline as they research important information about famous inventors. 40 pages - 17 MB - PDF
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- Economics, Engineering, Project Based Learning, Writing
Starting a Class Lemonade Stand PBL
- $3.00
- This Project Based Learning Activity will get your students excited about learning! STEM Starting a Class Lemonade Stand will introduce students to entrepreneurship. Students create a lemonade stand business. 29 pages - 29 MB - PDF
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- Economics, Vocabulary, Writing-Expository
Gardening PBL
- $4.00
- In Project Based Learning Gardening students plan a garden and experience a scarcity of space. Students use the PACED Decision Making Guide to decide what they should plant. 31 pages - 113 MB - PDF
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- End of the Year Activities, End of Year, Holidays/Seasonal, Writing
End of the Year Memory Book 2020-21
- $2.00
- End of the Year Memory Book will give your students an opportunity to remember all the great learning that occurred during their year in your class. It's a great keepsake for parents and students to remember your grade for years to come. 26 pages - 13 MB - PDF
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- Basic Operations, Fractions, Math
Math Wall ~ 4th Nine Weeks 5th Grade
- $5.00
- 5th Grade Math Wall is a daily short review of math skills. The equations help build relational thinking. The focus on the 4th nine weeks is to build a foundation of fractions and decimals. 49 pages - 4 MB - PDF
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- Basic Operations, Math
Multiplication Bands
- $1.00
- Multiplication Learning Bands will reinforce memorizing multiplication facts. After students have learned the concept of multiplication students need to become fluent in solving multiplication facts. 23 pages - 3 MB - PDF
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- Balanced Literacy, Literature, Reading, Reading Strategies
Guided Reading and Literature Group Resources for Upper Grades
- $4.00
- Guided Reading and Literature Groups for Upper Grades is a collection of graphic organizers to organize and personalize reading instruction in upper grade levels. 23 pages - 10 MB - PDF
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- Decimals, Fractions, Math
5th Grade Math Wall ~ 3rd Nine Weeks
- $5.00
- 5th Grade Math Wall is a daily short review of math skills. The equations help build relational thinking. The focus on the 3rd nine weeks is to build a foundation of fractions and decimals. 49 pages - 8 MB - PDF
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- Christmas/ Chanukah/ Kwanzaa, Creative Writing, Holidays, Reading
No Prep Christmas Packet: for Upper Grades
- $3.00
- Upper Grades Christmas No Prep Packet will make the last two weeks before Christmas Break a breeze!! Add some new Christmas songs to your poetry folders to increase students' fluency. 37 pages - 35 MB - PDF
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- Physical Science, Reading, Science
Simple Machines Activities
- $3.00
- Simple Machines Activities will engage your students and they will love learning about simple machines. These bright graphic organizers and flipbook will help students organize their information about simple machines. 23 pages - 31 MB - PDF
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- Basic Operations, Fractions, Math, Order of Operations
Math Wall 2nd Nine Weeks~ Mastering Common Core 5th Grade
- $5.00
- 5th Grade Math Wall is a daily short review of math skills. The equations and true/false statements help build relational thinking. The focus on the 2nd nine weeks is to continue to build a foundation of understanding the equal sign and place value. 57 pages - 9 MB - Zip
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