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- Critical Thinking, Easter, Geometry, STEM Holidays
Easter Bunny Art Challenge
- $2.00
- This is the perfect critical thinking activity that gets kids thinking about geometry! Easter Bunny Art STEM Challenge will get your students problem solving and thinking critical during the holiday. 9 pages - 21 MB - PDF
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- Coding, Computer Science - Technology, Critical Thinking, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Coding “Unplugged”
- $3.00
- Thanksgiving Binary Coding Do you want to introduce your students to coding? This is a easy way to get your students using and understanding binary code. 20 pages - 22 MB - PDF
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- Coding, Computer Science - Technology, Critical Thinking, Halloween
Halloween Coding “Unplugged”
- $3.00
- Halloween Binary Coding Do you want to introduce your students to coding? This is a easy way to get your students using and understanding binary code. 20 pages - 17 MB - PDF
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- Balanced Literacy, Connecting STEM with Great Books, Literature, Reading Strategies
A Handful of Stars Activities | STEM Challenges
- $4.00
- LapBook and STEM Activities for A Handful of Stars by Cynthia Lord is a collection of graphic organizers and STEM Challenges that will help engage your students as they comprehend while reading the book. 35 pages - 23 MB - PDF
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- Geography, Informational Text, Social Studies, Vocabulary
Landforms Flip Book
- $2.50
- Landforms Flipbook is a great resource to use while teaching or reviewing landforms. Word Wall Words are also provided. There are two flip books included to meet the needs of your students. 9 pages - 20 MB - PDF
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- Geography, Informational Text, Social Studies, Vocabulary
Map and Globe Flip Book
- $2.00
- Map and Globe Flipbook is a great resource to use while teaching or reviewing map and globe skills. Word Wall Words are also provided. There are two flip books included to meet the needs of your students. 9 pages - 7 MB - PDF
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- Christmas/ Chanukah/ Kwanzaa, Coding, Computer Science - Technology, Critical Thinking
Christmas Coding “Unplugged”
- $3.00
- Christmas Binary Coding Do you want to introduce your students to coding? This is a easy way to get your students using and understanding binary code. This packet includes:Design and write a Christmas Code Bracelet using Binary Code. 20 pages - 26 MB - PDF
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- Easter, Engineering, Math, STEM Holidays
Easter STEM Challenges K-2
- $4.00
- Easter STEM Challenges K-2 is a packet of 6 experiments or challenges your students will love! Students plan, design, engineer, and collect data as they are having fun before Easter! 23 pages - 2 MB - PDF
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- Critical Thinking, Geometry, St. Patrick's Day, STEM Holidays
St. Patrick’s Day Clover STEM Challenge
- $2.00
- This is the perfect critical thinking activity that gets kids thinking about geometry! St. Patrick's Day 4 Leaf Clover STEM Challenge will get your students problem solving and thinking critical during the holiday. 9 pages - 7 MB - PDF
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- Connecting STEM with Great Books, Engineering, Geometry, Literature
A Wrinkle in Time Tesseract STEM Challenges
- $3.50
- If you read A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle this is the STEM Challenge for you! The movie is out and kids are excited, so make learning fun by having your students create a Tesseract. 7 pages - 29 MB - PDF
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- Critical Thinking, Holidays/Seasonal, Specialty, STEM
STEM Design Crazy Socks Challenge
- $2.00
- Design Crazy Socks STEM Challenge will get your students problem solving and thinking critical will learning some important economics concepts. Students will go through a business plan while they design a crazy sock. 8 pages - 16 MB - PDF
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- Coding, Computer Science - Technology, Critical Thinking, Summer
Summer Coding “Unplugged”
- $3.00
- Summer Binary Coding Do you want to introduce your students to coding? This is a easy way to get your students using and understanding binary code. 20 pages - 22 MB - PDF
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