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- Math, Science, STEM, Writing
Fidget Spinner Activities
- $3.50
- Are Fidget Spinners driving you crazy? Connect STEM to this classroom fad! STEM Fidget Spinners Challenges will engage your students in learning about collecting data, making observations, and opinion writing. 22 pages - 31 MB - PDF
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- Engineering, Freebies, Math, Science, STEM
STEM Raft Challenge Distance Learning
- $0.00
- Building a Raft STEM Challenge is an activity where students construct rafts out of straws, tape, and string. Students then test their creations and redesign their rafts. 10 pages - 10 MB - PDF
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- Sale!
- Geography, Science, STEM, Summer
STEM United States Activities
$10.00Original price was: $10.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00. - Get your students excited about learning! STEM Challenges Bookin' Across the USA Bundle is a packet of plans and activities for 8 Different State Challenges. 51 pages - 216 MB - PDF
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- Holidays, Holidays/Seasonal, Informational Text, Social Studies - History
April Everyday is a Holiday
- $2.00
- Everyday is a Holiday: April is a collection of random holidays that occur in April. April's Daily Holiday Cards are a great way to engage students in a fun way to learn about fun historical facts. Everyday is a Holiday! 8 pages - 10 MB - PDF
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- Geography, Informational Text, Social Studies
Continent Research Flipbook
- $2.00
- Continent Research Flipbook will provide a graphic organizer students can use while researching important facts about the continents. 4 pages - 14 MB - PDF
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- Geometry, Math
Geometry Flip Book
- $2.00
- Geometry Flipbook is a great resource to use while teaching or reviewing 4th and 5th grade geometry concepts. 3 pages - 9 MB - PDF
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- Astronomy, Engineering, Math, STEM
Space STEM Activities | TPT Digital Distance Learning
- $4.00
- Space STEM Challenges is a collection of activities where students create spacecraft for different purposes. Your students will love designing, creating, engineering, predicting, and displaying their creations. 21 pages - 25 MB - PDF
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- Economics, Geography, Informational Text, Social Studies
Country Research Posters
- $3.00
- Country Research Posters includes 50 graphic organizers that will guide your students through research. 58 pages - 38 MB - PDF
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- Earth Sciences, Informational Text, Science
Rocks and Minerals Research Posters
- $2.25
- Rocks and Minerals Research Posters includes 14 graphic organizers that guide your students through research. Students will collect information on different rocks and minerals. No-Prep just Print! 15 pages - 16 MB - PDF
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- Astronomy, Informational Text, Science
Solar System Research Posters
- $2.25
- Space Research Posters includes 12 graphic organizers that guide your students through research. Students will collect information on space topics as they learn about different planets. 12 pages - 10 MB - PDF
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- Economics, Literature, Vocabulary
Lemonade War Economic Vocabulary Posters
- $2.00
- Lemonade War Economic Vocabulary Posters will introduce students to many economic terms as the read the book Lemonade Wars. There are two copies of the concepts, one with a black background and one with a white background. 53 pages - 14 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Social Studies, Social Studies - History, Women's History Month
Women’s History Month Research Posters
- $2.50
- Women's History Research Guides include 25 graphic organizers of notable women. Students will collect information on courageous women as they learn about how different women changed history. No-Prep just Print! 26 pages - 16 MB - PDF
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