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- Character Education, Classroom Community, Classroom Management, Freebies
Light Box Kindness Printable
- $0.00
- "Throw Kindness Like Confetti " - Lightbox Printable! Your students will enjoy seeing the bright kindness sign. Lightboxes are a great way to get your students attention. 3 pages - 4 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Research Guides, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
1960’s Research Flip Book
- $2.50
- 1960's Research Flip Book, Banner, & Writing Paper that will provide materials students use while researching. Students will collect information on the 1960's and record their research in their flip books. 6 pages - 7 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Social Studies, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
1950’s Research Flip Book
- $3.00
- 1950's Research Flip Book, Banner, & Writing Paper that will provide materials students use while researching. Students will collect information on the 1950's and record their research in their flip books. 6 pages - 3 MB - PDF
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- Engineering, Fractions, Statistics, STEM Sports
Million-Dollar Throw Lapbook and STEM Football Field Goal Challenge
- $3.50
- If you love Mike Lupic's book Million-Dollar Throw, this is the resource for you! Million-Dollar Throw Lapbook and STEM Football Field Goal Challenge is lap book and STEM challenge that your students will love! 20 pages - 29 MB - PDF
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- Earth Sciences, Informational Text, Science, Vocabulary
Earth’s Layers Research Flip-Book
- $3.00
- Earth's Layers Research Flip-Book and Banner will provide a graphic organizer students can use while researching about the Earth's Layers. Students will collect information on the Earth's Layers in their flip books. 10 pages - 2 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Research Guides, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
Westward Expansion Research Flip Book and Banners
- $3.00
- Westward Expansion Research Guides includes Mini-Book, Lapbook, Banner, Writing Paper, & Interactive Journal Resources that will provide materials students use while researching. 14 pages - 9 MB - PDF
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- Holidays, Holidays/Seasonal, Reading, World History
February Everyday is a Holiday
- $0.00
- Everyday is a Holiday: February is a collection of random holidays that occur in February. February's Daily Holiday Cards are a great way to engage students in a fun way to learn about fun historical facts. Everyday is a holiday! 10 pages - 8 MB - PDF
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- Earth Sciences, Reading, Science, Writing-Expository
Earth’s Spheres Research Flip Book
- $3.00
- Earth's Spheres Research Flip-Book and Banner will provide a graphic organizer students can use while researching about the Earth's Spheres. Students will collect information on hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere in their flip books. 8 pages - 1 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Social Studies, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
1940’s Research Flip Book and Banner
- $2.50
- 1940's Research Flip Book, Banner, & Writing Paper that will provide materials students use while researching. Students will collect information on the 1940's and record their research in their flip books. 6 pages - 3 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Social Studies, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
1930’s Research Guide
- $3.00
- 1930's Research Flip Book, Banner, & Writing Paper that will provide materials students use while researching. Students will collect information on the 1930's and record their research in their flip books. 6 pages - 3 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Social Studies, Social Studies - History, Writing-Expository
1920’s Research Flip Book and Banner
- $3.00
- 1920's Research Flip Book, Banner, & Writing Paper that will provide materials students use while researching. Students will collect information on the 1920's and record their research in their flip books. 6 pages - 2 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Research Guides, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
The Great Depression Research
- $3.00
- The Great Depression Research Guides includes Mini-Book, Lapbook, Banner, Writing Paper, & Interactive Journal Resources that will provide materials students use while researching. 11 pages - 6 MB - PDF
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