Soft Start STEM Activities

Have you ever tried STEM soft starts?

As back-to-school preparations are amping up amongst teachers, I wanted to share one of my favorite ways to start a new day with my students- STEM soft starts!

Soft starts in general are a way for students to come in and get mentally ready for the day. STEM is the perfect way to do this. It naturally gets students thinking critically and creatively which puts them in the right mindset to get the day off to a great start. Having STEM soft starts ready to go will have your students designing, creating, engineering, predicting, comparing, building, & reflecting on their challenges.

You can set up STEM soft start stations using supplies you have in the classroom. This can be Legos, pipe cleanerspopsicle sticks, magnets, cards, etc.

My STEM Quick Challenges Resource is perfect for STEM Soft Starts.

The STEM School Box Challenges is a packet of 12 STEM Challenges that will fit into a school box which makes them perfect for STEM Soft Starts or when students arrive at school early. This packet contains Challenge Label, Inside the Box Student’s Directions, a Teacher’s Page with the directions and materials, and Student STEM Journal.

These activities can also be used for STEAM Activities, Maker Spaces, Tinkering Labs, or After School Clubs. Your students will love designing, creating, engineering, predicting, comparing, building, & reflecting on their challenges!

Here’s what’s included:

  • Index Card Tower
  • House of Cards
  • Pipe Cleaner Bridge
  • Popsicle Stick Catapult
  • Army Parachute
  • Fidget Spinners
  • Building Squares Structures
  • Dominoes Diving Board
  • Packing Peanuts Structures
  • Triangle Structures
  • Button Designs
  • Button Towers

Make sure to check it out here!

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