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- Engineering, Informational Text, Other (Social Studies - History), STEM Around the World (Geography)
STEM Stonehenge Challenge
- $3.50
- STEM Stonehenge Challenge will engage your students as they learn about the famous landmark Stonehenge. Students will construct a model of Stonehenge after they research it. 17 pages - 22 MB - PDF
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- Christmas/ Chanukah/ Kwanzaa, Digital Products, Distance Learning, Engineering, STEM Holidays
Christmas STEM Challenge | Google Classroom | Digital
- $3.00
- Santa's Sleigh STEM Challenge will engage all your students during the holiday season. Digital Google Slides are great for remote learning or in your elementary classroom. 20 pages - 28 MB - PDF
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- Christmas/ Chanukah/ Kwanzaa, Engineering, Science, STEM Holidays
Christmas Elf Zip Line STEM Challenge
- $3.00
- STEM Elf Zip Line Challenge will engage all your students during the holiday season. Students plan, design, and engineer a zip line that can carry a toy elf across a line. 10 pages - 21 MB - PDF
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- Balanced Literacy, Literature, Reading, Reading Strategies
Nine, Ten: A September 11 Story Lap Book
- $2.50
- Lap Book for Nine, Ten; A September 11 Story by Nora Baskin is a collection of graphic organizers for a lap book. Students will read for a purpose, using the graphic organizers to collect information and use it while having discussions. 14 pages - 21 MB - PDF
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- Distance Learning, Engineering, Science, STEM, STEM Sports, Winter
Winter Ski STEM Challenge | TPT Digital Distance Learning
- $4.00
- On-site or Distance Learning and looking for a fun STEM Challenge for the winter months? STEM Winter Sports Ski Challenge will engage all your students during the winter season. 22 pages - 32 MB - PDF
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- Balanced Literacy, Literature, Reading, Reading Strategies
Because of Mr. Terupt Lap Book
- $2.50
- Lap Book for Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea is a collection of graphic organizers to organize in a lap book. Students will read for a purpose, using the graphic organizers to collect information and use it while having discussions. 15 pages - 23 MB - PDF
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- Engineering, Science, STEM Holidays, Thanksgiving
Balloons Over Broadways STEM Activity | Google Classroom | Thanksgiving digital
- $4.00
- Are you looking for a fun Thanksgiving Project Based Learning (PBL) Event to engage your students during November? These STEM activities and Google Slides are connected to the book Balloons Over Broadway by Melissa Sweet. 27 pages - 98 MB - PDF
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- Christmas/ Chanukah/ Kwanzaa, Engineering, Math, STEM, STEM Holidays K-2
STEM Winter Challenges K-2
- $3.50
- Winter STEM Activities includes five different STEM challenges that your students will love! Students plan, design, engineer, and collect data as they are having fun during winter. 24 pages - 78 MB - PDF
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- Christmas/ Chanukah/ Kwanzaa, Engineering, Math, STEM Holidays K-2
Christmas STEM Challenges K-2
- $4.00
- Are you ready for some fun STEM activities that are differentiated for all ability levels? These Christmas STEM activities are the perfect way to keep ALL of your students engaged right before winter break! 34 pages - 57 MB - PDF
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- Engineering, Halloween, STEM
Halloween Skeleton Zip Line STEM Challenge
- $2.00
- STEM Skeleton Zip Line Challenge will engage all your students during the October month. Students plan, design, and engineer a zip line that can carry a toy skeleton across a line. 10 pages - 20 MB - PDF
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- Sale!
- Engineering, Holidays/Seasonal, Science, STEM Holidays K-2
Thanksgiving STEM Challenges | November Activities K-2
$4.00Original price was: $4.00.$3.00Current price is: $3.00. - November STEM K-2 Challenges will engage all your students during the November month. Students plan, design, and engineer drums, corn mazes, rain sticks, canoes, and totem poles. 22 pages - 42 MB - PDF
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- Engineering, Holidays, Holidays/Seasonal, Science, STEM, STEM Holidays
Thanksgiving | November STEM Activities | Google Classroom
- $4.00
- Are you looking for easy to implement STEM Activities for Thanksgiving? November Thanksgiving STEM Challenges will be actively engage all your students in critical thinking and problem solving during November. 22 pages - 50 MB - PDF
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