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- Geography, Social Studies, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
United States Research Posters
- $3.00
- State Research Posters will provide a graphic organizer students can use while researching the United States. Students will love collecting information on different states. The posters can become great displays of your students research! 52 pages - 5 MB - PDF
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- Easter, Engineering, Measurement, STEM Holidays
April STEM Challenges includes Easter Activities
- $4.00
- Looking for fun Easter Activities to engage your students during the spring? Easter STEM Challenges is a packet of 5 experiments or challenges your students will love! 17 pages - 37 MB - PDF
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- Engineering, Measurement, Research Guides, Science, STEM
Paper Airplane STEM Activity | Google Classroom | Digital
- $4.00
- Paper Airplane STEM Challenges is a packet of experiments your students will love! Flying and creating paper airplanes is a fun activity that will engage your students as they collect data and use measurement skills. 40 pages - 23 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Presidents' Day, Social Studies, U.S. History
Abraham Lincoln Research Guides
- $2.00
- Abraham Lincoln Research Guides includes Mini-Book, Lapbook, Banner, Writing Paper, & Interactive Journal Resources that will provide materials students use while researching. 15 pages - 19 MB - PDF
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- Holidays, Holidays/Seasonal, Social Studies - History, U.S. History
March Everyday is a Holiday!
- $2.00
- Everyday is a Holiday: March is a collection of random holidays that occur in March. March's Daily Holiday Cards are a great way to engage students in a fun way to learn about fun historical facts. Everyday is a Holiday! 8 pages - 2 MB - PDF
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- Engineering, Fractions, St. Patrick's Day, STEM Holidays
March STEM Challenges
- $4.00
- March STEM Challenges is a packet of five experiments or challenges your students will love! Students plan, design, engineer, and collect data as they are having fun before St. Patrick's Day! 15 pages - 23 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Presidents' Day, Social Studies, U.S. History
George Washington Research Guides
- $2.00
- George Washington Research Guides includes Mini-Book, Lapbook, Banner, Writing Paper, & Interactive Journal Resources that will provide materials students use while researching. 13 pages - 11 MB - PDF
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- Sale!
- Engineering, Library Skills, STEM, Summer
STEM Challenges | 8 Reading Genres
$10.00Original price was: $10.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00. - STEM Challenges: 8 Reading Genres is a packet of plans and activities for 8 Weeks of Genre Challenges. Students will love learning about the different book genres as they explore, create, and engage in themed activities. 49 pages - 114 MB - PDF
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- Earth Sciences, Geography, Informational Text, Research Guides
Biome Research Guides
- $2.50
- Biome Research Posters will provide graphic organizers students can use while researching about the different biomes. The organizers will help students make a final piece of informational writing using the information they have collected. 15 pages - 14 MB - PDF
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- Black History Month, Research Guides, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
Harriet Tubman Research Guide
- $2.00
- Harriet Tubman Research Guides includes Mini-Book, Lapbook, Banner, Writing Paper, & Interactive Journal Resources that will provide materials students use while researching. 13 pages - 9 MB - PDF
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- Black History Month, Informational Text, Research Guides, U.S. History
Ruby Bridges Research Worksheets
- $2.00
- Ruby Bridges Research Guides includes Mini-Book, Lapbook, Banner, Writing Paper, & Interactive Journal Resources that will provide materials students use while researching. 13 pages - 11 MB - PDF
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- Sale!
- Fractions, Holidays, Place Value, Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day Math Worksheets No Prep
$3.00Original price was: $3.00.$1.50Current price is: $1.50. - Valentine's Day Math Worksheets are a great way for students to reinforce their math skills and review previous learned concepts. Students will work on place value, decimals, multi-digit multiplication, fraction word problems, and basic operations. 12 pages - 5 MB - PDF
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