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- Christmas/ Chanukah/ Kwanzaa, Engineering, Math, STEM Holidays
Christmas STEM Challenges | Digital | Google Classroom
- $4.00
- Looking for some fun December STEM Activities to keep your student learning? Christmas Digital STEM Activities will keep your students learning and thinking critically throughout the December month! Great for remote learning, blended or on-site. 19 pages - 23 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Science, Writing-Expository
Spiders Research Flipbook
- $2.50
- Spiders Flip Book provides a graphic organizer for students to use while learning about spiders. Students will collect information on spiders and record their research in their mini-books. 15 pages - 8 MB - PDF
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- Easter, Engineering, STEM Holidays, Writing
STEM Easter Peep Boat Challenges
- $3.00
- Peep Boat STEM Activity is a packet that includes an experiement where students plan and engineer a boat that can carry their Peep. Students will making predictions, collect data, and test their boats during the Easter holiday season! 23 pages - 108 MB - PDF
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- Sale!
- Distance Learning, Fractions, Measurement, Science, STEM
Water Bottle Flipping STEM Challenge | Distance Learning | Google Classroom
$4.00Original price was: $4.00.$3.50Current price is: $3.50. - Are your students flipping water bottles? Make it educational with this STEM Water Bottle Flipping Challenge! It is a packet of four experiments your students will love! Water Bottle Flipping is a trend! 17 pages - 19 MB - PDF
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- Math, Measurement
Converting Metric Length Units Task Cards
- $3.00
- Converting Metric Length Measurements are a great way to assess students' understanding of converting metric measurements. You can use these bright task cards in a math center or play SCOOT as a whole class. 12 pages - 11 MB - PDF
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- Civics, Holidays, Informational Text, U.S. History
Veterans Day STEM Activity
$4.00Original price was: $4.00.$2.00Current price is: $2.00. - STEM Veterans Memorial Design Challenge and Flip Book are a great way to teach students the importance of Veterans Day. 20 pages - 15 MB - PDF
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- Decimals, Math, Place Value, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Math Worksheets
- $1.50
- Thanksgiving Math Worksheets are a great way for students to reinforce their math skills and review previous learned concepts. Students will work on place value, decimals, fractions, coordinate grids, and basic operations. 11 pages - 10 MB - PDF
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- Autumn, For All Subjects
Pumpkin Photos
- $2.00
- Pumpkin Photos is a collection of photos of different types of pumpkins. 10 real-world photographs that will be a great addition for your classroom resources, lessons, or products. I have taken every photo. 11 pages - 9 MB - Zip
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- Biology, Informational Text, Science, Writing-Expository
Bats Research Flip Book
- $2.50
- Bats Mini-Book provides a graphic organizer for students to use while learning about bats. Students will collect information on Bats and record their research in their mini-books. 14 pages - 5 MB - PDF
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- Informational Text, Social Studies, U.S. History, Writing-Expository
Benjamin Franklin Flipbook and Research Resources
$2.00Original price was: $2.00.$1.00Current price is: $1.00. - Benjamin Franklin Mini-Book, Lapbook, Banner, & Interactive Journal Resources provide materials for students to use while researching. Students will collect information on Benjamin Franklin and record their research in their mini-books, 12 pages - 8 MB - PDF
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- Black History Month, Informational Text, Social Studies, Writing-Expository
George Washington Carver Research Guides and Flip Book
- $2.00
- George Washington Carver Mini-Book, Lapbook, Banner, & Interactive Journal Resources provide materials students use while researching. 13 pages - 9 MB - PDF
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- Decimals, Math, Place Value
Comparing Decimals Task Cards
- $3.00
- Comparing Decimals Task Cards are a great way to assess students' understanding of decimals and place value. You can use these bright task cards in a math center or play SCOOT as a whole class. - 15 MB - PDF
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